Ledger Live @Wallet - Ledgerwallet | Official Website

With your Ledger live wallet set up and apps installed, you can start receiving and sending cryptocurrencies. Utilize Ledger Live to initiate and track transactions, enjoying the peace of mind that comes with offline security.

Advanced Security: Passphrase and 2FA: For advanced users seeking heightened security, Ledger allows you to set up a passphrase and enable two-factor authentication (2FA). These features further fortify your wallet's protection.

Staying Updated: Firmware and Security Patches: Regularly check for firmware updates and security patches for your Ledger device. These updates enhance both security and functionality, ensuring your wallet remains resilient against potential threats.

Secure Storage: Your Responsibility: While your Ledger hardware wallet provides a shield against online threats, the responsibility of safeguarding your recovery phrase falls on you. Ste it in a secure and separate location.

Conclusion: Empowered Security for Your Crypto Future: Getting started with a Ledger live wallet through "ledger.com/start" is your first step towards fortified cryptocurrency security. Armed with this guide, you're prepared to navigate the intricate world of digital assets with confidence and peace of mind.